Our Mission

Manzanita Cooperative is driving a fundamental shift in how Americans produce and consume food by bringing low water climate adapted native foods to the mainstream, starting with Acorn.

Meanwhile, our crop domestication work, funded by the National Science Foundation, is developing new climate-adapted crops derived from native plants that provide habitat and food at the same time.

Manzanita Cooperative Logo

By doing so we can restore habitat, dramatically reduce water usage, and create lasting food security in a changing climate. Once we’ve proven that it’s possible, our approach can be replicated almost anywhere.

For more than 150 years, farming in California has meant adapting the environment to agriculture, damming and draining our rivers and aquifers to grow non-native crops that require summer irrigation and provide no habitat for our native species. This is one of the biggest reasons California has more endangered biodiversity than any other part of the contiguous United States. We are taking the opposite approach and finding ways to adapt agriculture to the environment and produce food at scale while working with the natural systems.

A map of California's river systems

The damage to our wild rivers, wetlands, and groundwater by conventional Ag has been catastrophic. Our salmon are at less than 1% of their historical levels and facing extinction while the aquifers under the central valley are collapsing.

In 2024 alone, Manzanita Cooperative will save more than 50 million gallons of water, and by 2030 we will be saving more than a trillion gallons a year by producing food from native crops that don’t require irrigation.

Adapting native plants for agriculture solves a long list of problems.

  • Growing locally adapted native foods that do not require irrigation relieves pressure on our rivers and aquifers.
  • Western native plants, particularly in California, are uniquely adapted to drought, and drought is the biggest driver of crop failures from climate change.
  • Wild harvesting of acorn instead of cutting forests to plant orchards full of non-native nuts preserves existing habitat. California’s Oak forests support more than 6,000 species, including more than half of all vertebrates and keeping them intact is critical to the resilience of our state.
  • Acorn is also incredibly nutritious, can be easily stored, and provides a resilient food supply even as climate change causes rapidly accelerating failures of conventional crops.
  • Agriculture is responsible for more than a third of climate change causing emissions globally, with a huge portion of that being driven by soil degradation from factory farming. Meanwhile, forests have shrunk rapidly in the last century as they’ve been cleared to make way for farms and housing. Keeping forests and soils intact is one of the most powerful things we can do to prevent emissions. Over time we will move from safeguarding existing forests to replanting and restoring them.

Want to learn more? Sign up for our mailing list to get regular updates as we build a more resilient and sustainable native agriculture in Northern California.


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Invest in Sustainability

Native foods aren’t just good for humans and the environment, they’re good business. While the majority of Manzanita Cooperative’s shares are owned by our worker-owners and community stakeholders, we are looking for mission-aligned investors to take a minority stake in return for startup funds.

This year, we plan to launch a prototype factory to process acorn at scale. At an expected capacity of only 2,000 lbs a day, it will be tiny by conventional standards, but still by far the biggest facility to process acorn in North America.

Projected dividends per share from our financial projections.

This lean factory will use Agile production on demand, testing and developing the equipment needed to efficiently process acorn at scale. Once we’ve dialed it in, we can expand; adding additional equipment for scale in 2025 and 2026. We expect to provide very strong ROI and a full investor kit – including financial projections and terms – is available on request. Please contact invest@manzanitacooperative.com

A precarious Status Quo

Commercial agriculture is dangerously centralized. There are around 30,000 known edible plant species, adapted to every biome that supports human life, and yet less than 1% of these are grown commercially. Only 3 (wheat, rice, corn) make up the absolute majority of calories consumed by humans, and 1 (soybean) is 3/4 of the plant based protein for humans and livestock globally.

Putting all our eggs in so few baskets creates real risk, and crop failures are already increasing as the climate changes. Just in the US, USDA crop failure insurance payouts have increased by 15% a year or more for three years running. It’s no wonder that groups from the UN to the World Economic Forum are now urging industry to diversify food supplies and find new crops!

Manzanita Cooperative is answering that call by bringing the native foods of California and the West back to the mainstream. In addition to our work with existing native superfoods like Acorn, we are the only company in North America doing the hard work of domesticating new crops.

Chart of projected habitat restoration

Our cutting edge breeding process allows us to do so in a fraction of the time that domestication used to take – without using genetic engineering – and while preserving habitat value for pollinators and more.

A different approach to agriculture

The work we are doing to produce nutritious climate-adapted foods while cutting carbon emissions and preserving habitat is essential. Bringing living wage jobs to North Coast communities that have long been neglected is just as important to people living here.

In partnership with tribes, local governments, and community investors; we are developing a biodiverse approach to sustainable organic polyculture that can produce healthy and delicious food at scale with little or no summer irrigation. By doing so, we can restore habitat for native pollinators and other species and provide real food security in a changing climate.

In the short term, we are working with landowners across the North Coast and North Bay to sustainably harvest Oak and Bay Laurel trees that have gone unharvested for generations, while being sure to leave enough behind for wildlife. Active monitoring of our impact on local biodiversity ensures there are no unpleasant surprises down the road. Modern processing techniques allow us to make traditional foods like Acorn flour available at affordable prices and at scale for everyone.

Over the long term, we want to do more than just harvest wild forests, we want to purchase former forests that have been cut down or burned and restore them as cultivated wilderness. Instead of monoculture farms that kill pollinators, destroy rivers, and deplete aquifers; we will plant carefully tended cultivated wilderness that combines multiple species to produce food while providing habitat.

So what does that look like?

Planting trees like Oak in fields alongside other crops stabilizes soil against erosion, meaningfully reduces carbon emissions, and draws water up from deep underground. They also provide delicious, healthy, and abundant nuts – without irrigation.

Chart of projected habitat restoration

Native legumes, domesticated through a partnership with the National Science Foundation, provide a nitrogen-fixing cover crop that enriches soil and produce plant based protein.  Native currants, hazelnuts, and manzanita berries provide additional high quality foods, while hedgerows grown with dense flowering natives like lilac and wild rose provide plentiful forage for pollinators – and provide a barrier against the spread of pollen from domesticated varieties to their wild cousins elsewhere. Regular controlled burns, conducted in partnership with indigenous experts, return nutrients to the soil, prevent the spread of disease, and protect our working forests against destructive wildfires. With a variety of crops grown together, fluctuations in weather may hinder one crop while helping another; but there will always be a harvest.